I started 2012 off with a little bit of advertising work for a flooring store in Lewiston, ID. The star of the ad, my son...
The month of April was packed with all sorts of great sessions. The spring weather was lovely and I was able to spend time with a soon to be new mom, a business professional looking for a shot to use in a publication, a lovely family from my hometown, a High School Senior needing last minute photos and a beautiful family with a new little one. It made my heart full to be able to capture a few moment for these wonderful people to keep forever.

This soon-to-be mom was such a trooper. Just days, or what felt like hours, from her due date and she trecked around the park looking absolutely stunning. She even donned a pair of sky high heels and didn't even flinch when she strutted to the location of the shot. Everything about this day was perfect.

When I met with this lovely client (interior designer) it was a torrential downpour and what was going to be a disaster was saved by her super positive attitude, well decorated home, open mind and creative spirit. The resulting images weren't what we expected to capture on that day but I think they turned out quite well given the situation and the darn weather.
Working with this family was one of the highlights of my year. I went to High School with the mom and met her oldest when he was just a wee little sprout. These little were so well behaved, funny and totally into the session. At many points I just asked the boys where they thought we should shoot next. The both got to pick a location and those are actually my favorites from their session.
I was also blessed with this session to be able to shot in my native, Lewiston, ID. The downtown setting is historic and timeless. There are so many different emotions that can be conveyed by the settings in such a short walk through the heart of town. We walked for maybe 15 minutes total and got so many different shots. I look forward to the opportunity to shoot there again. I'd really like to do a few wedding there this summer.

These two littles were so dang sweet. I couldn't wait to get these images off my camera and into my new editing software. Yes, I got my fancy software in April...just in time for all of these fantastic people to work some magic on.

The month of May was a bit more calm.
I had the pleasure of helping this wonderful family announce that they were adding another sweet little girl to their brood. The big sisters were so excited. Such a creative mama, she came up with the idea to use the shirts and the chalk board. I loved it!
It was a month of announcements. I was so grateful that our good friend chose to use my photos to announce to the world that their first little baby would be a girl.
Their little girl has since been born and is just as amazing as her parents.
June, well, I started to slow things down a bit because I was pregnant and high risk and didn't want to over do it. I did a non-profit event and a gorgeous wedding and then edit, edit, edit after I was released from a couple weeks of bed rest.

Awe, the much anticipated wedding. My first real deal wedding and not to be my last. I got the bug after this and will be booking as many weddings as possible for this year. I found it's something that I'm good at, I enjoy and have the stamina for. Plus, who wouldn't want to be the one to capture all that beauty and love?!
This couple were amazing to work with. They were easygoing, fun and gorgeous. What more could I ask for.
I learned so much with that wedding. But the biggest thing I learned is that wedding are something I'm passionate about.
July was spent getting prepared for my dear sweet little one to get here. I knew he'd be a bit early so I stayed pretty holed up. I did get some great shots of our neighbors in early August and was able to attend my dear friends baby shower just a few days before my little guy was born.
These little girls were such troopers. One fell on a bees nest during our shoot. Eeek! No little were harmed but I got a few stings.:)
Awe, the gorgeous shower...

After this shower, my camera was used to capture my own little sprout. I spent a few weeks just enjoying him.
The hiatus was short lived as we had a very busy September. Not exactly so much for my business but for our family. My brother-in-law got married and my husbands sisters were home visiting from abroad. There were tons of photos taken but not for clients per-say.
The wedding was beautiful and although I wasn't the official photographer (my due date was the day before their wedding) I managed to get quite a few memorable shots.
Their reception was held at Luna, the restaurant where my brother-in-law is the executive chef. The food made up the best meal of my life. Amazing!
Things picked up in October and November. I did a couple family sessions, a maternity/mommy-and-me and another wedding.

To keep with the large family theme I then spent some time with this gorgeous family at beautiful Newman Lake, WA.
My dear friend was pregnant right along with me but a bit behind. Her and her sweet little boy came over to our property for some shots before her new little boy was born. I just love pregnancy, it just adds a depth of beauty to a woman's essence.

And last but not least... the last wedding of the year. I was nervous for this wedding even after having gained so much confidence from the one in May. Why was I nervous? I know this couple. I have known them for years and I friend 'love' them. I don't know what got into me but when I showed up, all that faded away and I just started shooting. Their wedding was incredible and I was happy to also have been invited as a guest. :)
That about wraps up 2012... except for these sweet little ones that came around in December for Christmas cards. :)
So, that's it. My amazing year in a nutshell. I hope that 2013 brings me just as many smiles and memories to capture and then some. My goals are to do more weddings (at least 4 but hopefully 6), more High School Seniors, more newborn lifestyle, more engagements and more impromptu photos.
It may be a little late but Happy New Year from me to you.